
Thursday, October 24, 2002:

True depression is not easily attained, and it is not a simple feeling either. True depression is a feeling of utter and total hopelessness, coupled with feelings of emptiness, apathy, and a little confusion. To say that you exist inside a world of total depression is a lie. True depression is something which cannot be sustained, or else life is on pause. I must reiterate and rephrase, depression is the antithesis of life, life cannot coexist with depression. If you are truly depressed, for even a brief moment, your life stands still, or slides backward more likely. You don't go to work, or school, and dancing around with glee putting on a happy face. True depression inhibits these actions, true depression prevents you from feeling, or doing anything. To be truly depressed, you must feel completely hollow, hollow and worthless. Depression cannot coexist with feelings of self-worth, at least not positive ones. At one time and moment you may experience true depression, and in that time, you will feel completely lack-luster to say the least, you will feel that you are nothing, and consequently feel a nothingness which I mentioned already. You may choose to hang on to this moment, for it is as addictive as any feelings of joy and happiness. I do not claim to be the only person to live inside a world of depression, for I do not, it is not possible to live and be truly depressed at the same time. However I have experienced numerous brief moments of true depression, the occasional prolonged period of depression, and the general never-ending malaise and cloudy glass through which I view the world. There are undoubtedly others who have experienced depression in more severe ways than I, and would undoubtedly describe it in a different manner. However, if you claim to have ever felt a moment of depression in your life, and you fail to comprehend, or have never experienced any of these feelings, or lack there of, then you have never been depressed. Soft-spokeness is NOT synonymous with depression. You may not have a smile on your face, and you may not be on the computer, or watching tv, or on the phone with someone, or talking to yourself. You may be sitting quietly, not even listening to music, but this absence of activity does not mean you are depressed, it means you are waiting for some other activity to come along and carry you away. If you were depressed at that given point in time, you would have no thoughts. You would have no activities... sitting staring coldly and blankly at the ceiling or a wall. Not thinking about a tv show, a computer game, food, planning your wardrobe for the next week... you would be thinking nothing... nothing at all....
Chris // 10/24/2002


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