
Wednesday, October 22, 2003:

It seems that the idea of faith is the process of returning to the same olace for the same answers to new questions. Not only is this not a source of growth, it is a source of stagnation and ignorance. It is difficult to believe that Christian faith has survived for so long in the face of the many new questions that have arisen. The only reason it has not been completely destroyed is that the ignorance that it fosters, places power in the hands of those that feed faith to the believers. With this power, any challenge to faith or the old answers, can be completely destroyed, because the populace will only believe what they are told by the church; the essence of faith. Hence, the power and also the ignorance can be prolonged, although there is usually a breaking point past which resistence to new answers and questions would be absurd. It is only then that the church accepts, and brushes away the killings of coutless "heretics" and "non-believers" who turned out to be right in the end. Oops, oh well, I guess life is not really so precious unless its yielding a proffit.
Chris // 10/22/2003


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