
Thursday, December 25, 2003:

The truth is God has no humlity
How else could he punish someone for not believing in him
I am not perfect yet
I am still capable of accepting when someone does not believe in me
And I am also capable of forgiveness
However, God is not
Those who do not believe will be punished
Those who do believe will be rewarded
Where is the love?
Where is the compassion?
Where is the forgiveness?
I cannot believe in God, because to do so would violate my own morals
Furthermore, it seems it would also violate Christian morals
God must have forgotten love they nieghbor when he made his edict
Perhaps forgive and forget just slipped his mind
And apparently, the almighty creator is an egotistical maniac, sad as it may seem
He doesn't care who I am or how I lived my life
He only care whether or not I lived my life for him
And if I don't he thinks its just to punish me
This is the essence of machoism and egoism
And I refuse to believe such an inconsiderate bastard created this beautiful universe
I refuse to give my life to someone who doesn't appreciate it
The truth is
I don't beleive in God, because he doesn't believe in me
And if he lacks the humility to forgive me for my disbelief
Then he is not the kind of creator that would ever choose to believe in

Chris // 12/25/2003


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