
Thursday, February 05, 2004:

There will never be true equality until people stop fighting for it. They must lay down there arms and trust that others will do the same, because trust is the basis of equality my friends. If you want to be equal, then you must allow others to want the same. By telling them that you are going to win this fight will only make matters worse. To say that you want to win really means that you want to subjugate someone else; be superior to them. In a figh there must be a winner and a loser. Furthermore, why should someone wish to be called equal to another who lives in the past and cannot learn to trust that the world has changed? If you want equality, then stop trying to tell me about it, then I will be sure to give it to you. If you want to fight, I will of course fight back, but not because I am resisting equality, but because I am resisting subjugation, just as you claim to be doing yourself. If you think you stand for justice, equality, freedom, then think again, and take a good look at what it is you really want; power, revenge, superiority, none are admirable desires. And if this is what equality is, if this is justice, then kill me now because I refuse to live in a world with "good" people that are full of such hatred and contempt. Love is all you need.
Chris // 2/05/2004


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