
Friday, February 27, 2004:

Things I have learned about life:

You are no better than anyone else, and they are no better than you; you are just different

You can't schedule life. You can try, but despite your plans sometimes life will just happen

Anger and hatred will do nothing but make you more angry, and fill you with hate; let go

Success will not always make you happy, but happiness will make you successful.

Life is a series of moments, cherish them all; good and bad.

All you need is love, and money can't buy love

Trust everyone more than you probably should. In the end, they will want to honor that trust

Think of death as only the end of the beginning. When you are gone, things will keep moving, and you can rest assured that time will march on.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Live in the moment; but never forget the past, and always remember the future.

Don't be afraid to feel, and don't be afraid to think, but try not to mix the two; if you do there will almost always be trouble

Remember that there are others. If someone asks you for money on the street, give them as much as you possibly can; money is much less important than love and kindness

When you fall in love, don't fight it; even if you win the battle, you will lose the war

Life is not a race, it's a journey. A race has only one destination, and one path. A journey can take any path, and end anywhere. Never forget the difference

Chris // 2/27/2004


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