
Thursday, June 03, 2004:

I have determined that the reason that most people have problems with relationships is because they can't connect physical and mental realms with each other. Some people have no problem expressing affection physically, but they do it without connecting any emotion to it in their mind, thus it doesn't mean anyhting to them and they will end up hurting someone else because of that. Other people have a hard time putting their emotions into action, which leads other to think that they don't care, which in turn also hurts other people greatly. In either case, it seems to me that almost everyone falls into this trap at least during one point in their life. Whether they express affection physically without placing emotions on it, or they have emotions that they never manifest to the outside world, they end up hurting others because of their defficiencies. Fortunately, most people learn the error of their ways and correct it eventually I think. However there is always that time when things never seem to work out for people in the romance part of their lives, and I think that this is a big reason why. May we all notice it, and change when necessary. In the end, all you need is love right?
Chris // 6/03/2004


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