
Sunday, July 04, 2004:

Dear RIAA,

I would just like to write tho thank you for preventing innovation and creativity in the music of my generation. I feel safe knowing that artists signed onto major labels will continue to produce a consistent sound, and say the same things that I have heard before. As for change and new ideas with the starling side effect of thought and feeling, I wouls much prefer the safety of boredom and stagnation. I am also pleased that the RIAA is helping to prevent creativity by fighting those file sharing whores from spreading their infernal innovative new artists who are not bland enough to join the RIAA, and thus are angry because they cannt sell albums in the thousands or appear on the MTV top 10 boring songs countdown. I feel much safer knowing the RIAA is doing the part by suing grandmothers and grandfathers whose rebellious relatives choose to defy the law by downloading the "Hokey Pokey Song." I am also glad that dismal RIAA artists like Metallica have support in their attempts to copyright chords. Furthermore, I am glad that the RIAA helps to chain music to the ground and keep all those free thinkers in their place if they think that they can make "music" on their own and get away with it. God bless the RIAA and damn all those heathens to hell, and an amen to emptiness.

Chris // 7/04/2004


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