
Friday, October 08, 2004:

Without God, humanity cannot exist. But without humanity, God also would not exist. This is because without God, humans are nothing more than the result of evolution, mammals, part of a functional ecosystem. Humans would be homosapiens, practical beings resulting from the science of evolution, without the capacity for complicated thoughts. God was born out of philosophy, and of the need to explain the obscurity of human beings. God is the only thing that can validate our existence as something more than animals, God is the only thing that can explain philosophy; humans were born of God, and God born of humans. It is a symbiotoc relationship, one cannot exist without the other. Without humanity, there would be no philosophy that would require the extsitence of God to explain it. God would not exist, because there would be no reason for him to, because humanity is the only species that requires God to explain their existence. Therefore, God and philosophy are inseperable, one in the same; without one, there is no other.
Chris // 10/08/2004


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