
Friday, September 09, 2005:

To those of you ignrant hick escalade driving assholes who somehow derive enjoyment from calling me a "faggot" as I walk out of the gas station here are some words of advice for your conscience. You know that nothing you say has any more value than the quarters you so adamantly flick at me. You only wish I was a "faggot" as you say, so maybe I would shove my dick in your mouth to stop the words from coming out. Because you are as tired of their emptiness as I am. It's good to know that your life of loitering at gas stations in escalades and having drunken sex with girls that you slip roofies to at frat parties is an utter failure. I applaud you at your lack of effort to improve yourself. You only criticise what you do not understand, because you don't know what else to do. Luckily my lack of verbal or actual response hurts you more than your words hurt me. Go home and cry into your mothers breats like the infant you are.
Chris // 9/09/2005


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