
Saturday, March 31, 2007:

If crimes are commited by someone with a motive, are laws also created by someone with a motive? If we investigate someone to discover their mtoive for commiting a crime, why should we not also scrutinize the law. Where did it come from; is it political or moral legislation. Or is it a justifiable law. If we put law under the microscope, in the US at least, once we took away all the biblical morality codified into law, and the for-profit politicaly motivated laws, I seriously doubt there would be much of anything left. Drugs for instance. Isn't it interesting that two very dangerous, addictive, and often fatal drugs that we call alcohol and nicotine are legal, while many other drugs, some of which are certainly arguably less harmful, are so cimininalized that petty drug offenders make up 90% of our overcrowded prison populations.
Chris // 3/31/2007


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